How Best To Work With Me

Sponsored Travel and Local Events:

My family loves to travel the country and attend shows, movies, and special events in the Denver, CO area. If you would like me to share our travel experiences at your destination feel free to email me for details about  our upcoming calendar. I write for travel related blogs as well as cover destinations here. See the sidebar for links to my recent travel articles.

Product Reviews:

I am usually happy to work on cause marketing campaigns, blog about family travel and events and review products on this blog if it is a good fit.  I mostly write reviews on things I have purchased myself, or would have, and would recommend to my friends.

I have another review blog which would be a good place to feature upcoming releases to movies and video games, new products, contests, sales and such:

  • BeTweenTalk-Top ranked tween forum and review blog. Large audience of kids under 18 & their parents.

Most campaigns require compensation:

I am open to a variety of compensation models including: travel, product and of course, money.


I am very selective about running giveaways these days. There are some situations that I would consider so if your giveaway is a little more ‘out of the box’ than most, email me.

Social Media

Local Events

I help plan local blogger events in Denver.  There may be charges associated with planning these events. Email me for more details.

Conference Sponsorship

I attend blog conferences to stay on top of all the latest technologies out there. I enjoy the chance to learn and network with other bloggers. I would consider accepting a conference sponsorship so let’s talk.

Brands I Have Worked With

  • Paramount
  • Disney (movies and travel)
  • Kraft
  • Oscar Mayer
  • McCormicks
  • Campbells
  • Egglands
  • Interscope Record
  • Nickelodeon
  • Lions Gate
  • Build A Bear
  • Radio Flyer
  • Time Shares (travel)

and many more.

About Our Family

Our family consists of mom and dad, and two teen boys.

Things I Don’t Do:

  • Display ‘blog buttons’ unless you are paying for advertising space. Send me an email for my current rates.
  • Mail things back.
  • Answer every pitch letter I get. It’s nothing personal (or maybe it is). I get a ton of requests and I only have so much time.
  • Reveal the amount or type of compensation in my FTC disclosure. I will state I was compensated. The rest is between you and me.