Hooked on essential oils? Wondering what to do with all those empty bottles? Easy! Make essential oil bath salts. This has to be the easiest DIY project on the planet. 3 Steps to Make Essential Oil Bath Salts 1. Fill 12 ounce wide mouth Ball Mason Jar with epsom salt. You can buy epsom salt in just about any drug or grocery store. I purchased a 4 lb bag at Target for around $4. You don't have to use a wide mouth ball mason jar but use something glass that closes tight. I like the wide mouth mason jars cause they are super easy to decorate. This would make a great gift. 2. Use any empty Young Living essential oil bottle you would like. Do not clean it out. It's best if it has a few drops left in it. The one I really like to use for bath salts is Panaway. It makes a relaxing soak that helps relieve my sore muscles. Take off the lid and the remove the inner plastic stopper. 3. Place oil jar inside the mason jar of salts. Close up the mason jar tightly. Let it sit 24 hours. The salt will draw the remaining essential oils out of the jar. Gentle shake it up to the move the bottle around every now and then. That's it! After 24 hours you have an amazing essential oil bath ...