Well, hello, blog. It's been awhile, huh? It's not you, it's me. I promise. Really. OK, well maybe it is you. With your blank post pages screaming: "Pay attention to me. I'm here. I am neglected. I NEED you." To be honest, neediness isn't really attractive. It's OK. Don't cry. I'm still here for you. We can still be friends. You just need to stop making me feel guilty for spending time with my 'other' friends. I'm busy. I'm becoming part of a new company, selling off parts of my online world that no longer make sense for me, traveling (yes, that spa trip to Devil's Thumb Ranch really was work). I'm taking the boys to Disneyland next week. I really do have a life offline as well. I understand you feel slighted. I promise to try to be better about paying attention to you, little blog. Can you forgive me? ...
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