Are you in love with Marie Kondo and Tidying Up on Netflix? Me too. I have been KonMari'ing for quite some time. It started a few years ago when I first bought the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. These days I still have areas that fall out of disarray and no longer spark joy and I need to do regular maintenance. Which brings me to today's to Konmari your tea bags. I wish I had taken a before photo but imagine a bunch of half used, ripped open, some expired boxes of tea bags shoved in a cabinet shelf. That did not spark joy for me AND I kept buying more tea because I never knew how much was in those cardboard boxes. I came across this great tea organizer on Amazon and I knew I had my answer. I quickly counted how many boxes of tea I had and knew I probably needed two to organize my tea bags. In true KonMari fashion I reused one of my Teavana boxes to organize my collection of strainers, including the cute little sloth that makes me laugh every time I open that cabinet. You should always strive to use the boxes you have around the house before buying something new. I felt good that this was a mix of both. Do you love making your cabinets ...
How To Organize Your Measuring Cups and Spoons : DIY Kitchen Organization Hack
The past few months we have been doing a major kitchen over-haul and I love, love, love the way it is turning out. Combine the kitchen redo with my massive love-hate relationship with the KonMari method of organizing that I adopted last fall and I have been very busy. Yes, KonMari is the crazy method of basically throwing everything away that doesn't "spark joy". It comes from the book the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and let me tell you, the process is most definitely life changing. All of these things lead me to today's solution for how to organize your measuring cups and spoons. First, let me tell you what DIDN'T "spark joy" for me. THIS DRAWER: So when it was time to empty out and decide what to do with it I went back to my pinterest board of home ideas and was inspired by a measurement conversion chart created by the blogger at Infarrantly Creative. I tried to figure out how to organize your measuring cups and spoons with a much taller, skinnier pine cabinet door and this is what I came up with: The first thing I did was gather the supplies for my project: *This post contains Amazon Affiliate links Chalkboard Contact Paper red paint 3 paint ...