Special Needs Kids Are Kids

Christmas is a hectic time of year for shopping. Most of us dread the long lines, sold out sale items…


Has Social Media Killed the Online Forum?

If I had been asked that question a year ago, my answer would have been a resounding no. I would…


So, It’s Been Awhile, huh?

Well, hello, blog. It's been awhile, huh? It's not you, it's me. I promise. Really. OK, well maybe it is…


I Will Never Worry About My Oldest…

If the economy gives completely out and jobs can still not be found when my oldest graduates from college, I…


Simple Ways to Be of Service

Thanks to Walgreens for sponsoring my writing. Help Walgreens help others! Visit their Facebook page here to learn about their…


He Dropped The Ball & Other Local Denver News

I am trying something new here...bear with me. I get invited to a lot of lovely local Denver, CO events…


Simple Act of Bravery

Today my youngest son did something so incredibly brave that it brings tears to my eyes as I type. He…


My Dad

Many of you know last February my dad passed away. It was, without a doubt, one of the single hardest…


Going Gluten Free

Today's post is a little less rambling and a lot more informational then my normal style so just a heads…


An Open Letter to a Special Needs Mom

Dear Friend, Close to 4 years ago our friendship started with a desperate message from you for some help, some…
