We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned or linked to in this post, including Amazon Affiliate links.
Following on from last weeks great advice from mom bloggers who successfully work with PR, let’s get to it:
Don’t sell yourself, or your audience short. Only give your honest opinion. If you lie, your audience will eventually figure it out (after all EVERYTHING can’t be the most fabulous thing ever) and they will leave. If you have no audience the companies won’t be interested in you any more. . . everyone loses.
Not every blogger is born to morph into a review blogging-butterfly….if reviews aren’t your thing- be honest- there other ways to work with a brand
Make the company ship the prizes. “It’s my policy to have the company do order fulfillment-I will provide you with the name of the winner when the giveaway is complete.”
Saying yes to every pitch is not the road to “big time blogger” status… its road to sleepless nights of writing about toothpaste and posts that readers are probably skipping over
Important Reminder: I, also, wanted to let you know that I was asked by a good friend who is a PR rep in the mom blogging world to do a monthly twitter chat. The Blog Frog will be there participating as well. More info to follow but save April 5th at 9 pm EST for our first #prmonday chat. This is NOT a prize twitter party. It is a conversation about PR that you can openly ask your questions and get some advice.What other advice do you have?
"sleepless nights of writing about toothpaste and posts that readers are probably skipping over" – so true, excellent reminder!My recent post Multitude Monday 311-320
Love these posts Barb! looking forward to your chats!My recent post It’s time once again to play: “What’s in your tot’s purse?”