Life’s Little Blessings

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To be honest I don’t know what I want to write about. I just feel like writing.

My world is shifting. In a good way. But I don’t really have my footing yet so I am not sure what it will look like when my feet reach the ground.

I have found that eating gluten-free is really good for me. It’s been about 3 weeks now and I can feel the difference. This past week I went with some friends to meet Robyn O’Brien for lunch. We talked about the rise in food allergies and the link to the unhealthy changes in our food supply. It was eye opening. I find I can’t put her book, The Unhealthy Truth, down. I don’t want to look but it is a train wreck I can’t look away from. As Robyn says, once you learn this stuff, you can’t unlearn it.

Wednesday Bob and I saw the doctor. It was nice to get a path of treatment and a name for this yucky-ness happening in my body. For many, lupus conjurers up lots of scary things. I think of it as a gift. One that is going to force me to pay better attention to my body, mind and spirit. All things I am not so good at doing.  I guess the universe found a way to make me listen up. It does that.

Oh what else to say?

I had a lovely night at the Brown Palace with my friends last week and I have something fun to give away here soon.

Little guy is about to become a teen. How did that happen? He is getting so much stronger and healthier this summer. I couldn’t be happier. He makes my heart smile.

We are having friends visit next week and family for the holidays.

School is starting back up soon and I realized this will be my last year of driving the big guy to his first day of school. I expect lots of sobbing that day on the way home from that drive.

I am on steroids that are making me a little bit nutso but making my body feel better.

And I have the best family and friends in the world.

*oh, three little disclosures before I let you leave: Stonyfield Organic was kind enough to sponsor the lunch with Robyn. I am in an ongoing compensated agreement with the Brown Palace. That is an affiliate link to Robyn’s book above.

 *Peace out*

