Our Holy Mother

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On this eve of the Christmas I find myself reflecting quite a bit on the role of the holy mother Mary. I wonder how she was feeling on this night of her child’s birth. Was she scared? Was she calm? Was she completely freaked out by the events about to unfold?

I wonder this because she was a mother. Like me. Like most of you who read my blog.

We never really hear her story.

I am sure she had one. What would she have said if her story had been told?Would she have complained about the pain of child birth? Commiserated over a teething toddler? Worried as her teen left to change the world?

Mothers of this modern age have claimed the right to tell our stories. What a blessed gift we have to share who we are, our strengths, our weaknesses.

I wish for every mother during this holiday season that you rejoice as your role as a mom. While you quietly and frantically run around backstage making sure your children shine, know that your story is what makes theirs possible.

