DIY Fathers Day Gifts with Essential Oils

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So many of our oily DIY projects focus on the females. That’s why I am excited to bring you all these great DIY Fathers Day Gifts with essential oils for you to try! So many good ones to make for the men in your life! Let’s get started! If you need oils, I have an awesome deal on the Young Living Premium Starter Kit going on!

Shaving Cream with Eucalyptus Essential Oil

 Beard Conditioner with Essential Oils

Men’s Cologne with Essential Oils

This one is also good with the addition of a few drops of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood.

A Diffuser Blend for Guys

A wonderful, masculine blend of woodsy oils, wintergreen and valor are the perfect manly combination.

After Shave with Essential Oils

A Sugar Scrub for the Guys

DIY Men’s Body Wash with Essential Oils

Men’s Hair Wax with Essential Oils
