If you are looking for a moist, freezable, pretty to gift pumpkin bread, this is the best pumpkin bread recipe I have ever made. The Nordic Ware Harvest Loaf Pan is amazing but if you don't have that don't despair. Make a regular style 9*5 loaf and drizzle it with Torani Pumpkin or Caramel Sauce. ...
Gooey Carmelita Bars
What could be better than an easy caramel sauce poured over semi-sweet chocolate chips and an oatmeal-brown sugar crust? Topping it with an oatmeal crumble, of course! If you haven't had the pure joy of trying one yet, get ready because this super easy Carmelita Bars dessert is about to be on your way to your tummy! I originally learned how to make these from Averie Cooks and adapted them based on what was easiest for me. I am not about to sit and unwrap caramels but she has a great video that will help you catch on if you need a little extra help. ...
Why Should My Teen Take the SAT?
These days, there is a lot of pressure to do everything “right” and one group really feeling that pressure is families with kids thinking about college. The choices of which schools to visit, which tests to take, where to apply….it all gets to be TOO MUCH. I hear you, friends, I have been there and as I sit here now, with a Senior in COLLEGE, I do have some advice for those of you just starting this journey. First and foremost-let’s talk about the money. While little Sally and Johnny are worried about what the dorm rooms look like, let’s face it, as parents we are worried about how we are going to pay for it all. My son’s high school counselor suggested he take the ACT and so that’s what he did.What I didn’t realize was that the College Board and SAT connects students/families to over $180 – I think the most recent number now is $220K million in scholarship dollars each year. Who doesn’t need help paying for college? There are other factors about the SAT that I wished I’d known. For instance, did you know there is no penalty for guessing wrong on the SAT? This is a fairly new development within the scoring of the test and is a huge advantage! ...
How To Secure Your Stuff On Campus
I am sure that by now you have all the sheets, towels, shower curtains and supplies to successfully send your college student off to school. You have checked the school list and even read my list of list of must have college dorm room supplies. You've even read my advice on how to help your student transition to college but there is one thing we haven't talked about. Security and how to secure your stuff on campus. How to Secure Your Stuff (and YOU) on Campus *this post contains both affiliate links and sponsored content Creative Storage One thing that is important to remember is what is out of sight isn't an easy target. I love these little dorm ottomans that have storage in them. While they won't secure an item it does provide an easy place to drop your laptop or something similar in when you just want it out of sight. Plus it doubles as an extra seat and additional storage. If you are looking for something a bit more secure try a traditional foot locker. We found these were perfect for the break weeks (Fall, Christmas, Spring) to make sure things were put away with all the maintenance going on and just a few students staying. Bonus that it comes in cute colors and again ...
Cooking With Essential Oils
Cooking with Essential Oils has gotten even friendlier now with Young Livings Vitality Line (which you get some with the Premium Starter Kit sale I have going on). All of the oils in this line are labeled as safe for internal use. So there is no reason at all to not get started kicking up your meals with these little bottles of goodness. Remember, when cooking with oils, a little goes a long way! For some of these you won't even need a full drop. Dip a toothpick in the bottle and swirl it in the recipe. Talk about saving money!!! Here are some of my favorite recipes to get you started. CHIMICHURRI: Sauce for Steak GUACAMOLE: Dip for Chips KALE SALAD with Lemon RAINDROP SALAD DRESSING SAVORY SAUSAGE BEET SALAD This summer beet salad is one of my all time favorite recipes. Click the link or the picture to get the recipe, directions and a cool tip to keep the red off your hands while handling beets. ...