We have owned Leonbergers for quite some time now and just recently brought our newest Leo puppy into the home, making this our 3rd. This started a brand new search for all the new best puppy toys for giant breeds - and more! Whether you are a previous owner, or are new to giant breeds, you undoubtably know their needs are very different from other dogs. These guys grow so quickly and toys, bedding, leashes, bowls, etc are expensive! You want things that are going to last at least a few months. But that is so hard to do when you bring your adorable 20 lb 8 week old pup home and in less than 2 months they more than double in size. Yes, it is completely normal to have a giant breed weigh in at 40 pounds at 15/16 weeks! So, after careful research and using these items in our home, here is what is Peyton (our newest pup) tested and approved for the first few months and beyond. Best Puppy Toys for Giant Breeds (The following are affiliate links) Everyone knows that dogs love Bully Sticks. We have purchased the Cadet Brand from Costco for years based on numerous breeder recommendations. They are basically doggy crack. But did you know what a huge choking risk they are? ...
Preparing For the SAT
A few weeks ago I talked about the advantages of taking the SAT. Now that you have made the decision to sign your student up, let’s talk about the best way to start preparing for the SAT. How should my student prepare for the SAT? Your student should be at ease with the new SAT as it focuses more on what they do in class every day. The obscure SAT vocabulary that we, as parents, grew up with are gone! And, there isn’t a penalty for guessing wrong, meaning they should take that chance and guess because they won’t lose points. The content of the test is more familiar and straightforward. Should I hire a private tutor to do test preparation activities? There is no need! Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy is 100% free and personalized for each student. The College Board (the makers of the SAT) teamed up with Khan Academy created an online study platform with thousands of practice questions with instant feedback, video lessons, practice tests, study tips, and more! A recent study shows that students who practice for 20 hours on Khan Academy gained an average of 115 points from the PSAT/NMSQT to SAT compared to those students who did not use ...
How To Secure Your Stuff On Campus
I am sure that by now you have all the sheets, towels, shower curtains and supplies to successfully send your college student off to school. You have checked the school list and even read my list of list of must have college dorm room supplies. You've even read my advice on how to help your student transition to college but there is one thing we haven't talked about. Security and how to secure your stuff on campus. How to Secure Your Stuff (and YOU) on Campus *this post contains both affiliate links and sponsored content Creative Storage One thing that is important to remember is what is out of sight isn't an easy target. I love these little dorm ottomans that have storage in them. While they won't secure an item it does provide an easy place to drop your laptop or something similar in when you just want it out of sight. Plus it doubles as an extra seat and additional storage. If you are looking for something a bit more secure try a traditional foot locker. We found these were perfect for the break weeks (Fall, Christmas, Spring) to make sure things were put away with all the maintenance going on and just a few students staying. Bonus that it comes in cute colors and again ...
How Busy Moms Use TILE
A few weeks ago Verizon sent me two bluetooth tracking accessories called TILE to test out around the house. When I heard that I could attach one to my keys and never lose them again I was hooked. Until that point I literally would spend at least 20 minutes a day looking for them. Which made me start to wonder: how could busy moms use TILE to help reclaim their day and some of their sanity? I got the TILE out and attached it easily to my keychain and then installed the TILE app on phone. In a few clicks the app recognized my TILE and I was good to go. But I realized something cool. Not only could my phone find my keys, my keys could find my phone. TOO COOL. What to do with the other one? Easy. I gave it to my husband who set his up the same way and then we "shared" TILES. Now I could find his keys and vice versa. This was getting fun. So I headed to Verizon and bought a 4 pack for $69.99. I Tiled ALL THE THINGS. My purse, kids keys and so on, my car. What? Your car? I can hear you thinking. Yup. Because if I ever am at the mall and can't find my car (don't laugh, I have a *friend* who does this all the time). I can open the app on my phone and follow the map to my car. Now ...
Apps For Oil Users
Are you an oil freak like me? Can't stand to be out of touch with ways to use your oils or manage your oily business? These apps for oil users will help you keep on oiling while you are on the go. Ref Guide for Essential Oils This app works equally as well for both Apple and Android. It's made by Abundant Health and closely mimics the information provided in the Essential Oils Pocket Reference book. While the book is a bit awkward to carry around with you this app makes it perfect for you to look up anything you need to know about your oils while you are on the soccer field. I really like that you can look up specific symptoms and find oils that may help. Very well organized and easy to use. Worth the price especially if you are choosing this over a book! I really love this because if I am especially busy (and what working mom isn't?) and someone asks me an oily question that I need to research I can look it up here and send a quick screenshot to answer the question. Essential Oil Go-To Guide I have not had a lot of time to play with this one but it made quite an impression on people at Convention this summer as it's arrival has been anxiously awaited. The big ...