Thanks to Walgreens for sponsoring my writing. Help Walgreens help others! Visit their Facebook page here to learn about their charitable partners and decide which cause Walgreens will donate to with a quick vote. I try to live a service oriented life and in the past I have done that by being on the Boards of several charities, starting my own charity, and playing President of the PTA. But as the kids, AND I, got older and Carter, AND I, have had more and more health issues, I find that I don't have the time or energy to do such big projects. But being of service is important to me still and I have had to find a way to be happy with doing smaller things with smaller impacts. And you know what I have found? Those simple small acts can be just as rewarding. If you are looking for ways to give back maybe some of these small things I have done can help you get started. Special Needs Parents: Tell your specialists nurse that it is OK to pass your number onto new parents every now and then. Jumping on the phone with a new mom of a special needs kids is one of the most valuable things you will do. Round up all those extra medical supplies you have and find a place to donate ...
Raising Service Oriented Kids
When I hear the words 'service' thoughts of high school community projects and church activities pop into my head. But service doesn't have to big to make a difference does it? It's been a tough year around here as you all know so when Carissa asked me to get involved in VolunteerSpot Summer of Service, I thought "What the heck am I going to write about? We haven't really done anything as a family this year that is post worthy". Which is why it has taken me to the actual day it was due to write this. I can't say my kids have fed the homeless or built a habitat for humanity this year. They just haven't. But do we help others? Absolutely. I just don't think of it as 'service'. We expect it of our kids. We expect our kids to help someone with their groceries, lift something heavy or hold the door for an over burdened mom. We expect them to recycle their clothes through Goodwill, give away old toys, and clean up their environment when they see trash. In essence, we expect them to be of service whenever and however they can. Maybe that is because Jesuit principle of being men and women for others pervade who my husband and I are as people, have been raised and how we raise ...