When we visited Florida for Spring Break Chevy was kind enough to loan us a brand new Traverse for the week as part of a campaign with She Buys Cars so that we could experience how it would work for our family and, specifically, Carter. You may remember that I was *this close* to buying the Traverse a few years ago but Carter just did not have the strength at that time to make the transfer with the seat height difference from his wheelchair to the car seat. I was nervous about that going into this test drive and worked on simulating it in physical therapy for a few weeks prior to the trip. I need not have worried. His gigantic arms are more than strong enough now. Look in the video at how long his arms have gotten--74 inches at last measure! He certainly isn't a little kid anymore and his arms are longer than Connor's now. So, now that we know Carter could make the transfer with someone else loading his chair into the car...what else? 6 Things I Loved About the Chevy Traverse It’s Got Style. I love the body of this car. It looks less like a minivan and more like sports coupe. The crystal red color of the one I test drove was fun and I loved the way it made ...
Social Media for New Car Shopping?
In the next month I plan to buy a car. Whether or not it is new will depend on pricing and other details but the main gist of my car hunt is to find something for Carter and I. Let me repeat that---for the first time I am looking for a car that fits just Carter and I. That feels so good to say! Finally! Bob will take the older SUV and pass that to Con next year when he starts driving. So, this car is really about making life easier for the two of us to get around-wheelchair and all.I'm wondering how I can bring social media and blogging into this hunt??? Cause the deal is, I AM buying the car. I have no illusions that by being a blogger I should get any sort of deal, let's face it, I am not that popular of a blogger~LOL! What I am hoping is that the social media departments of some car companies may help to make sure I find the RIGHT car for us. I am going to be blogging my way through this both here and on Spina Bifida Connection because in the disability world, the right car makes all the difference in your level of independence-whether you are the driver or not. AND for a mom with a wheelchair using kid, it makes all the difference in how much work is involved getting the kiddo ...