Holiday Diffuser Blends | Essential Oils

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I’ve been super busy this week getting holiday crafts done. I can’t wait to share some of the things I have been working on. These holiday diffuser blends have really been keeping me going over the last few days.

Don’t know what a diffuser is? Think part humidifier, air purifier, atomizer, and aromatherapy diffuser into one product about the size of a kleenex box (maybe a little bit bigger). You fill it with a small amount of water and some drops of essential oil. The diffuser’s ultrasonic technology breaks any mixture of essential oils and water into millions of microparticles, disperses them into the air, and eliminates odors, create a relaxing atmosphere, and gives you the therapeutic benefit of the oils…..best image if you have no frame of reference for what I am describing? When your mom would put vapo rub in your humidifier as a kid 🙂 Ah, good memories. Here is a great deal on the diffuser and oils if you are looking.

Winter Chai: Holiday Diffuser Blend

Relaxing. Like a cup of chai dispersed throughout the house.

Peppermint Surprise: Holiday Diffuser Blend

This one is my favorite. It smells like candy canes and gives me tons of energy to get through my crafts.

Gingerbread Man Holiday Diffuser Blend

Reindeer Games Holiday Diffuser Blend

Magi Gift: Holiday Diffuser Blend

Christmas Cookies Holiday Diffuser Blend
