3 Premium WordPress Plugins Worth Having

Why pay for premium wordpress plugins when there are so many free, quality plug-ins available? Believe me, it is a…


iPad 2 How I Love You

I snagged one of the elusive iPad 2's! I was at Best Buy the other day contemplating yet another Sony…


On Getting Opinionated

  ...if you’re not worried about the backlash you’ll get from your writing, you’re probably not tackling anything terribly important.-Heretics,…


It’s All About Happy

Good Morning Everyone! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and today happens to be my birthday. Happy Birthday…


Amazing Example of a Hero

Last week an area about 15 miles south of our house broke into a wildfire. We have plenty of friends…


Fun on Park City’s Main Street

Guest posted originally on Snowmamas.com The slopes aren’t the only place to have a blast at Park City Mountain Resort.…


Will Be Moving Everything Over

I will be moving lots of things over from Elementary Spirits over the next few weeks. :)


Proud Owner of An Ugly New Car

I know, you are all tired of me writing about the great car hunt. But it is over and I…


The New Car Short List

Last week I posted about the great new car hunt being on. With Carters surgery less than 2 weeks away,…


Social Media for New Car Shopping?

In the next month I plan to buy a car. Whether or not it is new will depend on pricing…
