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A couple of weeks ago Verizon sent me up to San Francisco to meet with other bloggers on the #VZWBuzz team and visit the Verizon Innovation Center. Geeks beware. If you ever want to just truly geek out on the new tech things coming to market you may want to score an invite here. I saw so many cool things being tested, some I can talk about and some I can’t. Some are things just in conception and others are full blown and already on the market. One of the biggest areas of tech innovation is in sports and personal health. Some tech I was blown away with are meant for the NFL and a little hush hush so instead I will tell you about the innovations in personal health that are widely available to the market.
One of these little goodies is my new constant companion. The Jawbone Up24. While its being marketed as a fitness device I’m actually using it to help me track how I feel and what effects my lupus. Yes, I know the purpose is to get me moving more but right now I am just mining data about my body from it and its been really useful.
I wear the Jawbone Up24 24 hours a day and in addition to giving me data about how little I move…which is a scary little amount (averaging around 4500 steps a day and having my periods of movement be an average of 7 mins a piece) I also get data on how well (or not) I sleep. This has been the goldmine of information I have been looking for. Let’s take a look at last night. The information from my band is being constantly uploaded to the Up app on my Samsung Note 3. Jawbone Up24 is compatible with most iOS and Android devices.
Pretty interesting info, huh? So how does this help me? Well. Through using the section of notes that you can leave on each one of these I can look back at last week and realize I am probably going to feel like crap today. Any day where I get less than 7 hours and 30 mins I have documented significant pain. What was I thinking getting into bed at 11:22 pm? I know if I want to function the next day I need to be in bed by 9. Yes. I am turning into an old person OR be able to sleep through that period in orange in the morning where the dogs get up. Bob is out of town and handles that for me usually. So, here I have concrete info about how him traveling effects my body. LOL. He should bring me gifts now.
My sleep data is actually pretty similar to the night before so I can show you yesterdays movement data which will likely be similar to today.
You can see my movement significantly drops between 10 am and 5 pm and according the notes I am leaving myself this is also the time period where I am in the greatest amount of pain. This tells me if I took something at 9 instead of when I first get up maybe I could reduce that. I am trying it this week actually. It also tells me I need to make a constant effort to get UP during that time and move. I have set my Jawbone to vibrate on my wrist every 30 mins as a reminder.
About wearing the band: it’s actually quite comfortable. I have had it on for 10 days straight except for showers and I haven’t had any issues. I have the black in large and its goes with everything. It has slipped off my wrist two nights in my sleep. It is very hard to write with a pen and paper with it on but I have no problem typing.
I think the data I am gathering about myself is priceless in helping me understand what is happening with my body. I need to find ways to sleep better. I need to move more between 10-5. This sounds dumb and simple and why would I need a device to tell me this? Because, really? I don’t think many of us are as in tune with our bodies as we think. I would have never guessed that the times I am up and moving about is really only about 7 mins. It feels like forever. Especially when I am hurting. I know most people use these devices to help them lose weight (you can track what you eat with this as well) and hopefully I will get there but right now I think its interesting to see how these devices can help anyone understand their body and use that information to make small, but potentially, life changing decisions.
Important Info & Disclosure: Average price for the Jawbone Up24 is around $150. It’s big competitors are the FitBit, which is a bit more social and gamified and the Samsung Gear Fit. I fell in love with Connie’s in San Fran. Her review is in the link. I received my Jawbone Up24 as gift from Verizon Wireless. I have an ongoing relationship with them through the #VZWBuzz program.
Great post Barb! Even though we think we know what are bodies are doing with movement and sleep we really are way off it seems. I know my use of the UP has shown me that as well. I’m sure your doctors may find the data from your UP valuable to help with your symptoms and treatments too. Hope to see you again soon!
Barb, half the battle of a chronic disease is getting ahead of it. So glad the UP is doing that for you! Now add self hypnosis at bedtime and you’ll be all set. I loved spending time with you in SF and I miss your smile!
I wish I’d read this review BEFORE I bought my husband a FitBit, that he proceeded to lose 3 days after I gave it to him. I believe I found the replacement. Thanks!!