Today I have for you one of the most simple projects on the planet: DIY HAND SOAP. Hand soap that isn't full of chemicals is pretty expensive in the stores. This can be made really inexpensively in a matter of minutes. Your hands will be softer, you will be saving money and you will feel better about what you have around your family! What you need for DIY Hand Soap: This list does contain affiliate links: Soap Jar- I love the Mason Jar ones I linked you to. I got the one above at IKEA for less than $5. Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap- I can often find this on sale at Target for about $10. I use Peppermint in this recipe. Thieves Essential Oil-click here for information on how to save money on essential oils. Distilled or boiled water--You just want to boil any little bacteria that might be in your tap water so this lasts longer. Let it cool before using. DIY Hand Soap Directions: Add water to your soap container filling it about 1/3 full. You must add the water first or it gets foamy. Fill the soap jar almost to the top with your castile soap. Add 12 drops of Thieves essential oil. Adjust depending on your jar size and preference. Screw on top and ...
Romantic Diffuser Blends
Looking for something fun to spice up your diffuser? These two romantic diffuser blends are awesome for Valentines Day, special occasions, or just a Saturday date night! Some Key Oils for Romance: Lavender-a scent that’s a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean, and calm Rose-beautiful, strong floral and sweet fragrance that is intoxicating and highly romantic Ylang Ylang-rich, pleasing, and romantic floral scent Cedarwood-warm, woodsy aroma that creates a comforting, uplifting experience Orange-peaceful aroma that can fill a room with a sense of peace, harmony, and creativity. Sandalwood-rich, sweet, warm, and woody aroma that is sensual and romantic. Hong Kuai-supports an increase in spiritual awareness and inspires clarity, intuition, and action. Jasmine-has been used throughout history for romance and attraction and for balancing the feminine energy of the body. Sweetheart Diffuser Blend Love Day Blend Lots of Diffuser Blend Ideas... Looking for a sale on Young Living Essential Oils? Boy do I have one for you! I am giving each person that buys a Young Living Premium Starter Kit and qualifies for the offer an additional $25 back. ...
Apps For Oil Users
Are you an oil freak like me? Can't stand to be out of touch with ways to use your oils or manage your oily business? These apps for oil users will help you keep on oiling while you are on the go. Ref Guide for Essential Oils This app works equally as well for both Apple and Android. It's made by Abundant Health and closely mimics the information provided in the Essential Oils Pocket Reference book. While the book is a bit awkward to carry around with you this app makes it perfect for you to look up anything you need to know about your oils while you are on the soccer field. I really like that you can look up specific symptoms and find oils that may help. Very well organized and easy to use. Worth the price especially if you are choosing this over a book! I really love this because if I am especially busy (and what working mom isn't?) and someone asks me an oily question that I need to research I can look it up here and send a quick screenshot to answer the question. Essential Oil Go-To Guide I have not had a lot of time to play with this one but it made quite an impression on people at Convention this summer as it's arrival has been anxiously awaited. The big ...
Simple DIY Citrus Soap
I love soap. I have a real thing for pretty, beautiful smelling bars of soap. I also hate lye and stay as far away from it as I can. If you are the same way, you will LOVE this DIY Citrus Soap recipe. It's so easy that a monkey with microwave could do it! DIY Citrus Soap Prep: Here are some things you should do a few days before planning to make (Amazon Affiliate Links below) Order Goats Milk Base in cubes Order silicone soap mold (look around for cute shapes if you want) Grate 1/2 cup citrus peel. I used lime, grapefruit, orange and lemon. I found that zesting did not give me big enough chunks to make the soap look pretty. Leave on a cookie tray lined with parchment to air dry for 1-2 days. DIY Citrus Soap Ingredients: 14 cubes of Goats Milk Base (link above) 5 drops of Citrus Fresh Essential Oil (you can buy Young Living oils here) 1/2 cup dried, grated citrus peels DIY Citrus Soap Directions: Place cubes in glass bowl. I use a Pyrex measuring bowl. Melt in microwave for 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds. Once fully melted, stir in grated citrus peels and add 5 drops (do more or less depending on how strong you want it-5 gives it a light ...
Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes For Summer
Looking for some fresh essential oil diffuser recipes for summer? Look no further than these three. I've got you covered! How about some Summer Magic? Try 8 drops of Young Living Stress Away Essential Oil and 4 drops of Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil in a home or dewdrop diffuser. Get both at a big discount in the new Young Living Premium Starter Kit on sale now with a $25 off coupon. Bring the Stars Inside with this Essential Oil Recipe for Summer: This is one of my favorite blends for a summer night. Use 8 drops Lavender essential oil and 4 drops Copaiba essential oil in a home or dewdrop diffuser. Increase or decrease amounts if using another diffuser as necessary. Bring the Sunshine Inside Diffuser Recipe This clear and crisp combination smells like all things summer to me. Add equal amounts of Sage and Citrus Fresh to the water in your diffuser to enjoy this essential oil diffuser recipe for summer! This is amazing in the Aria Diffuser (my fave!) which you can actually get in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit now (link with coupon above)---WOW. Happiness Diffuser Recipe Sunshine Diffuser Recipe Wind Down With This Essential Oil ...